Stampe SV4C for FS98 by Matthias Lieberecht

Thank you for download this aircraft. I've repaint Remi Moreau's
very nice Model in the colors of the actual flying German
D-EAVM and gave her a moving Prop. There's an alternate folder
integrated if you need the aircraft without moving parts.
The flight dynamics are completely new and made by Wolfgang Piper.
If you belive it or not - they're tested by a real Pilot flying
this Aircraft.
Michel Polski made a nice Panel for this Aircraft and if you need
some good Sounds, search for Mike Hambly's Tiger Moth Sound Pack.


Just unzip all files to your Flightsim aircraft directory. All folders
will be created automatically.
If you would like to use the Aircraft without moving parts, delete
all files in the Model folder (except the folder "Originale") and
copy the files from the subfolder "Originale" into the Modul folder.


I would like to thank:

Remi Moreau for his Stampe,
Rainer Pörsch for the idea and the great photos,
Wolfgang Piper for the flight dynamics,
Monastery, who makes it possible to repaint Remi's Aircraft.

Feel free to send feedback or comments to:

Matthias Lieberecht

and visit my Homepage: